Don’t spend alot of time convincing prospects that you have the best products or services known to man, but then forgetting to make it easy to get in touch! Display your contact info prominently throughout the site, but add a contact page with all of your info and show a map to help them find your physical location.
Contact Us
Make it easy for people to contact you! If you are not selling items directly online, this is the most important page to drive traffic to. List all possible ways to contact your company, including phone, email, fax, Twitter, LinkedIn, mailing address, physical address and office hours. If you have several departments, provide instructions for contacting each to prevent confusion.

• Email contact form – make it easy for visitors to “fill in the blanks” and select items they are interested in. Include fields for their phone number and required email address.
• Never ask for more information than you need – be careful not to turn off visitors. Once there is a commitment, you can request further details.
• Photo of owner or smiling staff members on the page again shows that you are real people who care about your customers.
Location or Directions
Make it easy for people to find you! If you want people to visit your main office or branches, display directions online.

• Driving directions from various points. From north or south, from neighboring towns. Use landmarks such as “turn left at the Exxon gas station”
• Map showing your location(s). Even an outside source such as Mapquest is handy to allow changing of a map’s scale.
• Photo of the facility or your signage so it can be recognized from the road or parking lot.
• Office hours and instructions on any sign-in procedures.
Include contact info or links for help in case of confusion.
Contact Webmaster Ray for more ideas related to your own website.