Protect your website with this maintenance plan
WordPress software updates and regular backups of your site are important for security and site performance. Auto payment can be made either $120 yearly or $35 quarterly. The following services are included:
- Monthly Backup of WordPress content (text, images, documents)
- Monthly Backup of WordPress theme (site structure and design)
- Installation of software updates (updated at least quarterly)
- Installation of plugin updates (updated at least quarterly)
- Removal of comment spam (as needed)
- Security & Malware Scans
- Free Basic Malware Cleanups
- Website Support (email & phone)
- Either of these:
– 4 minor content updates per year (1-2 images, 1-5 lines of text, spelling corrections, 1-5 price changes, embed one YouTube video, add links, edit page footer, additional administrator instruction, etc) (or)
– 45 minute WordPress Admin training / refresher training in Beer Room or via Skype/Zoom
Payments are taken by credit card, so call me with that info for me to enter on secure processing area.
(compare my rate to others charging $40-90 per month or $480-800/year)
Keep your website open for business!
Just $35/quarter or $120/year
Advanced Website Security Plan
$185/yr per website adds:
- Firewall prevents hackers.
- Malware scanning.
- Unlimited site cleanups.
- DDoS protection, and Content Delivery Network (CDN) speed boost.
- Prioritized cleanup and repair.
- 200 GB of secure backup.
Contact Ray to get started!