Embed YouTube videos on your site to grab attention, demonstrate products or publicize customer testimonials. Webmaster Ray can create a 30-60 second marketing video for use on your website, facebook, linkedin, twitter and even your email newsletter. View some samples and give me a call!
Video Marketing Samples
Painting business in Middletown, DE
Delaware Chester New Castle County Electrician
Attraction LLC Mobile Apps for Restaurants
Brandywine Auto Repair
Realtor: Homes for sale in Newark, Delaware
Contact Webmaster Ray Today!
My unbeatable price (starting at just $399) includes:
- Up to 20 of your selected images
- Stock photos, if needed
- 30-60 second voiceover by Ray (you provide script)
- Your choice of background music
- Captions inserted to highlight your message
- Logo/contact slide created for you (w/phone(s), web address)

Ten Top Tips for Video Marketing your Online Business
adapted from classic Jay Allyson in Video Marketing post (2/24/10)
Nearly all internet marketing professionals use video as one of the core methods for marketing their business. These ten tips aim to help you get started creating short, attractive, effective videos.
Video grabs people’s attention far more quickly and effectively than text, audio or photographs. Making a short video can capture a thousand words and pictures and helps to get across your personal brand and lifestyle.
It’s important to stand out in the crowd on video channels and search engines. Aim your headlines at capturing the imagination regarding your topic. So don’t be dull – test out curiosity, shock or fun tactics for getting those download clicks.
#1: Keep your videos short
Whether you’re loading videos on YouTube or just putting them up on your website or blog, it’s really important to keep to just 30-60 seconds. (longer for a demonstration/how-to video)
If needed, you can of course break longer topics up into a series of smaller videos, which you could market as a series – see tip 10.
#2: Post videos on your sales pages
You can use video on your Home or About or Product Overview pages to introduce the main benefits of your product or service.
This helps to orientate visitors and to highlight the main points of your regular, written sales letter.
#3: Choose your keywords carefully
This is important if you’d like the added bonus of ranking your video in search engines and other internet ‘bots’ that seek out content.
Research your top keyword phrases. Pick keywords that will attract the right kind of traffic and leads – research like crazy to find out what your prospects are looking for – and ensure you include your keywords in headings and tags and description boxes.
#4: Have a clear purpose & structure
Your keywords will help make sure you target your video on the right purpose before you start. Does your video answer the questions your visitors have in their heads when they’re searching for solutions? Make things concise and crystal clear.
Stay on your topic and give added value – unique value if possible – and the videos will convert much better for you. Write down a structure – a set of headings – for what you’re going to cover. Have a script if necessary.
You can mention any links that you have another video specifically on that related topic.
#5: Look at the camera
The aim here is to connect with your audience, both in the topic you choose and the content but also in your communication style. Remember you are talking to people – real live people. What are their needs and wants, hopes and fears.
An authentic and honest video is far more valuable than a glossy tv like broadcast. So don’t worry if you’re not up to TV presenter standards. Just be yourself and enjoy the opportunity to reach out to people in a different way than using text copy.
#6: Create a clear call to action
You should create one very clear offer and call to action. It’s very important that people know exactly what to do as a result of watching your video.
What is your most wanted response? Don’t confuse visitors with lots of options and different offers. Focus on the single most wanted response.
Alternatively, you can put your video up next to a sign up box – linked to your email marketing – and you clearly ask them to opt in, more than once. Provide an incentive, such as a free report or further video coaching resources.
#7: Encourage comments on your video
One of the best things about video is that it’s very personal, social medium. You’ll create loads of social buzz if you get masses of folk commenting and sharing your content at YouTube.
#8: Write articles, forum posts and blog & emails about your video
Write a short article (500-1000 words – like this one) on the same topic as your video. Then create a short blog post that links to your article and/or video.
If you have a list of existing contacts and subscribers, send them an email with information about your new video you just posted up. This can help with the viral process and get your video out beyond your own marketing circle of influence.
#9: Make linkages with other content, social sites
This relates to tip 8 in many ways. It’s about linking different marketing on a single, focused topic and ultimately setting up many different entry routes into your marketing or sales funnel, using the linkages and relationships you have already built up.
Use the social sites to jump start the viral effect. Leverage your video by posting it on all platforms, to unleash the true power of social media.
#10: Use time twice by re-purposing and repackaging your videos
Use your created content and add to it to create additional videos on different topics, such as each of your products or services – to create an actual library (your own YouTube Channel) to market your business.
In summary… your video marketing checklist:
- Short
- Targeted
- Structured
- Clear offer
- Complemented
- Linked
- Viral
- Repurpose
Jay Allyson – is Mum to Two Wonderful Children, and Wanted to Work From Home. Running a Home Business since 2004, she is an Internet Marketing Coach and Wealth Consultant, Teaching People To Make $100-$250k
in 12 Months Part Time or Full Time. Family Strategy Working Towards Time & Financial Freedom
for a Dream Lifestyle. Find out more at: www.JayAllyson.com
See video package details or contact Webmaster Ray if you still have questions!