Maintain the site on a regular basis to keep it fresh and give visitors a reason to return.
Outdated information gives the impression that you’re unreliable. Your Webmaster or designer can make it easy for you to make your own timely changes to parts of the site. In minutes, you can change a “weekly specials” page, add new products, update pricing information or edit a “customer news” page. One method to do this is to install a database.

Log in to a database with a simple username and password to edit a specific page of your site. You might add a new testimonial, note some special recognition your company has received or include a profile of an employee. Anything that brings life to the site.
If you have a Content Management System (CMS), you have more flexibility to change every page. You’re paying for it, so you might as well use it! References to new projects or the inclusion of recent dates proves that your company is in business and staying active.