It may be easier and faster to purchase stock photos for your website, instead of
taking pictures yourself or hiring a photographer.
There are many online stock images sites. Get Royalty-Free Photos and Vectors from DepositPhotos clipart/images.
Pay-As-You-Go Images
Websites allow download of images for your website or other marketing use.
Smaller sizes that cost from $1-6. Minimum size of 350 x 350 pixels is fine for web.
Buy and email them to me them or call to discuss.
Optimize Images for Your Website
Here are some tips and requirements for re-sizing and uploading photos and other images to your Attraction Website Design site (and most others as well).
Re-size Image (reduce dimensions and file size)
First, you must optimize the photo or graphic to reduce the dimensions and file size to an appropriate
degree for internet viewing. Photos out of a digital camera may have dimensions as large as 4000 pixels by 3000 pixels and file size of 3-8 MegaBytes (MB). For the web, these numbers must be much lower, for instance, 350 pixels by 250 pixels and under 80 KiloBytes (KB).
Follow these steps, generally:
Open the image in editting software such as Photoshop, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, or another program that came installed on your PC or came with your digital camera, scanner or printer. Specific procedures are listed below for using Microsoft Paint, which comes installed on many PC’s. When you do the following steps, you may want to “Save As” a different name, so that you still have a full size original.
1. Crop the image to get rid of any unimportant parts except for the subject(s) of the photo/picture.
2. Reduce the width/height, maintaining the proper ratio. It may start as over 1200px of both and you need it to be at least under 500px for both for a very large display and as little as 150-250px for an large thumbnail size.
3. Doing both of these will greatly reduce the “file size”. For a regular size
photo on a website, we need it to be under 80kb, unless it will be appearing in a new window as a blown-up size. If the file size is too high, many imaging software programs will allow you to reduce the “image quality” (for example, from maybe 95% to 85%)
Using Microsoft Paint image editor
- Click on the Start Menu
- Select All Programs
- Select Accessories
- Click on Paint
- Click on File and then Open
- When the Open Dialog Box appears locate the file you wish to reduce and click the Open button
- With the image displayed in the Paint program click on the Image menu option and then click on Stretch/Skew
- The Stretch/Skew window has two options in the Stretch section Horizontal and Vertical
- Enter a number less than 100 into both the Horizontal and Vertical fields
- Be sure to enter the same number into both fields.
- Entering different numbers will change the shape of the image.
- Repeat steps 7 – 10 until the desired image size is achieved
- Do not make the image larger than the sample image below
- To save the image Click File
- Click Save As
- Name the file in the File Name field
- Select JPEG(*.JPG, *.JPEG, *.JPE, *.JFIF) in the Save As Type field
- Click Save button
Clipart for Marketing
Contact Webmaster Ray if you still have questions!