IDEA SHEET: Easy steps to provide quality content (for visitors and Google)
Photos Find up to 10 of your best photos, including your logo to email as jpg or png images.
Ideas: owner/manager portrait, products/services in action, interior & exterior of location(s),
sitting or standing with a customer, smiling employees, stock photos, advertising graphics
Home Text for home page, basically an introduction to your company and what you do. Try a few sentences, plus a “bullet list” of items (your products/services or how you can help clients).
Possibly a slider / slideshow of up to 6 images…. Or your best signature photo(s).
Pages (select all applicable and prepare a one-two word name for it)
__ About / Mission / Philosophy
__ Team Introductions
__ News / Specials
__ Blog / Articles
__ Directions (location/map)
__ Service detail (1-5 pages)
__ Contact Form
__ Links /References
__ FAQ
__ PayPal (accept payments)
__ Shopping Cart (___ items)
__ Audio/Video/YouTube links
__ other: _________________
__ other: _________________
__ Policies
Content (For each page: please email in body of message or as an attachment)
- Make it quality; be concise – include lots of subheadings, short paragraphs, bullet lists
- Generate curiosity and educate your target audience. What information do visitors want?
- Incorporate all “keywords” that visitors would search for in text for each page (including phrases and states/cities/areas you serve). Send me list of top 10 keywords/phrases.
- Copy text from competitor site, paste to Word doc, then edit text to personalize
- Stock photos: – search keywords, send list of “Image ID” numbers
- What separates you from the competition?
- Start with minimum number of pages. We can always add more details later.
- List honors received, industry associations, chambers you belong to (include their logos).
- YouTube videos can later be embedded and featured.
- Use terminology appropriate to target audience, but keep it readable and “skimmable”
- Send each page’s content in separate email, with it’s best representative photo attached.
Usefulness & Relevance:
Does the content meet visitor’s needs, goals, and interests? Solve their problem!
Does the content help you SELL? Include a Call To Action on each page (link to contact page, “call us now”, link to products, “download now”, link to external authority site, etc.)
Is the content easy to scan or read (headings, bulleted lists, tables, white space, etc.)?
Can customers find the content when searching using relevant keywords?
Have you included links to your social media pages (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram)